Die Dangine Factory Deadend Fairy27
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Die Dangine Factory is a creative blog that writes about everything from typography to fashion. They also have a creative blog, where they write about the creative process, and all the various aspects of creativity. I like their blog because they're honest and will talk about the bad moments as well as the good ones in creative endeavors. They also talk about what's going on around them, for example talking about how mental illness affects creativity because it keeps people from doing what they want to do. It's not about what if it. It's about acknowledging that you do have a mental illness, and accepting it so you can be the best version of yourself. Their blog is also non-judgmental and will talk about problems with their mental illness, so kiddies don't feel like they're the only one who has to deal with this. I'm close friends with some of them, I follow them on Instagram (closetobsessed). One of them doesn't like to talk much on social media, but she's always hiding something cool, like her notebook (haha!) which includes comics and short stories. Meaghan also likes to draw a lot, I love her style. The other one on the inside of the blog has a comic art blog as well as a fashion site. Die Dangine Factory's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/die_dangine_factory/ Die Dangine Factory Twitter: https://twitter.com/die_dangine_factory Die Dangine Factory Tumblr: http://blog-deanginethemachine.tumblr. com/ The official website: http://www.die-dangine.com/#! [ARTICLE END] Title: Aya's Story: Finding my Resilience and Breaking the Silence of Mental Illness [ARTICLE START] I've had my share of ups and downs. I spent a lot of time in my head when I was younger, and when I was in high school it showed up in the form anxiousness and depression, but mostly anxiety. I had really negative thoughts about myself and felt like my friends were better than me. I didn't have a lot of self-confidence and a lot of the time I wasn't able to share my thoughts and ideas with others. I wasn't even able to share my thoughts and ideas with myself. In college, I started writing to get through the feelings that were plaguing me, feelings passed from high school to college, I hadn't healed from them yet. It wasn't until I found poetry that everything changed for me. I was finally able to get all of my sadness, anger, excitement, frustration out on paper through poetry - it became a healing process for me. eccc085e13
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